1.Thrift/Vintage Store Scores:
My recent scores from the Salvation Army and Moon Zoon on Pacific in Down Town Santa Cruz.
Pink Members Only Jacket ($18 @ Moon Zoon)

Over sized Flower Moasic Earrings (.75 Salvation Army)

Cropped Plaid Blazer (about $5 @ Salvation Army from Maricella for Chritmas)

Grandma's couch evening bag ($10 @ Moon Zoon)

Elastic Belt ($6 @ Moon Zoon)

A Few Hall Of Thrift Store Famers:
Vintage Neiman Marcus Fushia Cardigan ($15 @ Moon Zoon)

Mint ruffle tuxedo shirt ($17 copped at some hole in the wall place in Sacramento)

Earrings ($10 @ Moon Zoon)

Strappy Sandal Shoes (roughly $15 bucks a pop @ Moon Zoon)

Clarie Huxtable Party Dress ($16 @ Moon Zoon)

Neon/Black Pullover ($4 @ The Goodwill on Florin Rd in Sacto)

2.Odwalla Wellness:

Even though I've included 2 videos I'm counting them as one good type of thing. So the Odwalla Wellness is a bonus of sorts I guess. It tastes like exotic, sweet, tangy, mango juice bliss on steroids. A definite must tryyy. Costs about $3.50ish.
3.These Videos:
Nothing new, but nonetheless beautifully done and thought provoking, leaving one in a state of perturbation.
Simian Mobile Disco-Hustler
Aphex Twin-Windowlicker
One All Bad Thing:
Apple Bottom Jeans & The Boots Wit Daa Furrrrrrrrr, or any combination of clothing containing anyone of these articles.
Electro Blog Slaps:
Simian Mobile Disco-Hustler
Simian Mobile Disco-Its the Beat (Teenagers Remix)
BTW: I ripped a hole in my black stockings with the pattern, so ya know, if were thinking about buying me a "thank-you-for-being-a-friend" (ala Golden Girls) gift, theres an idea.